Posted by on Jan 27, 2008 in Blog | 0 comments

The CRI began one year ago to provide the asthma and allergy community with solid, proven information about the benefits of carpet—as opposed to hardwood floors. The urban legend of taking out carpet is “alive and well in the asthma and allergy physicians community,” says Braun. The CRI asked a group of doctors and allergists this question: “Thinking specifically about carpet, do you believe that asthma can be triggered by carpet?”

  • In March, 2003, 56% of respondents said yes.
  • In December, 2003, after the CRI conducted an intensive marketing, program with the respondents to provide them with studies of the health benefits of carpet, the number had dropped to 42 %.

Braun says that the CRI is going to continue its efforts because it is the right thing to do and is going to make a big difference in the quality of life of people who suffer from allergies and asthma.