

Isn’t it interesting that while the average person spends 1/3 of their life in bed they might never

think about cleaning their mattress. Your mattress might be one of the most soiled and bacteria

laden surfaces in your home. Think about it!! When was the last time you had your mattress professionally cleaned?

Most people don’t clean their mattresses simply because they’re covered. But, cleaning a mattress is more than

an appearance issue, It’s also a health issue. People clean their comforters, sheets, and mattress pads but neglect

the primary repository of allergens, odors, bacteria, and soil – the mattress itself.

Soiled Mattresses contain:

1. Dust, dead shin, and dust mites which can cause a host of health problems for the owner, agitating both asthma

    and many allergies.

2. Urine, blood, and food on a mattress can result in odors and the growth of disease causing bacteria.

3. Soils which can break down the suface fibers can cause premature wear.

So, when was the last time you had your mattress cleaned?

Most of our customers simply have the mattress cleaned at the same time we are cleaning the bedroom carpet.